Setting Intentions and Daily Habits


As the year draws to a close, now is the perfect time to set intentions for the year ahead. Periodically sitting down to do this helps the dream weaver in you to remember and consolidate what is important to you and set yourself up to succeed in not only keeping these goals in mind, but also reaching them, creating the life you want.
When setting intentions for a healthier more balanced life, the key is to establish your foundation. Your foundation is your daily habits, your daily non-negotiables. Treating yourself to these everyday for your optimal well-being is the most effective way to keep you accountable on a regular basis. The longer you leave something the harder it is to get back into. Establishing habits that you intend to keep to every day, will prevent you from veering far off track. If you fall off the healthy-train one day, you just hop back on the next, back to enjoying what you know brings you increased balance.

Your essential first step is to decide what these habits will be. The second step is to get started with them. It takes 21 days to form a habit. Schedule it in. Start with day 1. Think about why you are setting these goals and intentions. Be honest with yourself and choose habits you want to do. How will they enhance your life? How will you feel by honouring these on a daily basis? How will this help you to step out as the best you can be? Establish habits that are realistic and practical.

Here are the daily habits that not only help to keep me grounded, but also get me back on track when events and emotions tip the balance too far over the mid-point.

Meditation I can really feel a difference in myself and the way I handle the day ahead when I start off by focusing my energy on stillness, acceptance and openness to what is. Even a short meditation helps to establish the direction you set your thoughts on for the rest of the day.

Intention Every morning I set an intention for the day. That I may be of benefit to others and lead by example through the way that I show up in the world.

Green juices / green smoothies / lemon in water Starting off my day with yumminess! Making sure that the first thing that I put in my body is the best possible thing for each and every little cell sends the right message emotionally as well as physically. Nurturing, vitality in = nurturing, vitality out.

Hydrate I make sure I drink at least 2 liters of pure water each day. On the odd day when I don’t I can feel that my nerves are more easily frayed, I don’t feel as light in my body, my head feels a little heavier and that body just works a little slower in general.

Healthy Diet Planning ahead to ensure that I have healthy meals 3 times a day and snacks is a cornerstone to how I feel physically and emotionally. Eating fresh, whole, organic foods fuels my body machine with what it needs to function at its best.

Dry skin brushing To increase lymphatic circulation and detoxification. This is an invigorating feel-good reminder every morning that gives me a boost and sets me off wanting to hold onto that fresh, energy filled feeling.

Love, laugh, sharing I laugh each day, at least once. Even on tough days. We really can find joy in even the smallest of things. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open, you’ll be surprised. My boyfriend and I make sure that we give ourselves the time to talk about our day. Experiences and thoughts. Even just 10 minutes before switching the light off at bedtime. Sharing is caring and is essential to maintain communication and a healthy relationship.

Movement and fresh air In Denmark we’re lucky as we cycle everywhere. This means that you get at least a minimal amount of movement and fresh air on a daily basis. On days when I work from home and might not make it out I can really feel it in my entire body and emotions. I feel more irritable and edgy somehow. You don’t need to have a full workout each day, a 10-15 minute brisk walk will do.

Sleep Our organs function according to our circadian rhythms, or body clock. Getting to bed between 10-11pm makes a massive difference to the way our bodies function on a daily basis and the way you feel when you wake up the next day. When I get to bed at that time I find I don’t need to hit the ‘snooze’ button and I have more time to set myself up for a great day ahead. This is the daily habit I struggle most with. It is so easy to push bedtime later and later. My body and mind don’t thank me for it. Perhaps I need to do another 30 day sleep challenge

What does having balance in your life mean to you? What daily habits have you established to help keep you grounded and on track? Do you set or re-view your intentions on a regular (yearly?) basis?

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Caroline Cain

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