What Is A Signature System And Do I Need One (video)

Building a Coaching Business that works for you

I hear this question a lot from my clients: what is a signature system and do I need one? Especially when you’re really into freedom of expression and not having a curriculum for your clients to follow, or a cookie cutter system, is a signature system something that you need to think about?

Well it might well be, depending on where you are in your business, and the type of work that you do. So don’t dismiss it before you understand it, and also don’t rush into it if it doesn’t feel right or good for you.

In this video, I’m going to talk about four ways a signature system can be useful for you in your business.

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What is a signature system and do I need one – Video transcript

I hear this question a lot from my clients: what is a signature system and do I need one? Especially when you’re really into freedom of expression and not having a curriculum for your clients to follow, or a cookie cutter system, is a signature system something that you need to think about?

Well it might well be, depending on where you are in your business, and the type of work that you do. So don’t dismiss it before you understand it, and also don’t rush into it if it doesn’t feel right or good for you.

In this video, I’m going to talk about four ways a signature system can be useful for you in your business.

There are a few things to consider here.

1. You repeat the same steps over and over with each client

The first is if you have certain steps that you always take your clients through. It can really save you time having a signature system.

2. You want clarity and confidence in the transformation you provide

The second thing is, the signature system can really help you out especially if you’re just starting out and you want to have your thoughts and your steps in order, and you want to actually systemize the offer or the transformation that you provide for your clients. Basically so that you know the next step when you’re taking them through, it helps to give you that confidence that you know what comes next.

3. Leverage your skills

The third thing is that you can really leverage your offering with a signature system. So for example, if you have the Seven Steps to Easy Weight Loss—make it much more interesting than that! but just to give you an idea—you can design an e-course around this, you can write an e-book around it, you can base your half-day or one-day intensives around perhaps the first 3 steps out of 7. When you work with your clients long term, perhaps you want to work with them over 7 months and do one step per month, something like that. So you can really, once you know the steps that you cover, you can package that in all sorts of ways and it makes it much easier for you. Also giving talks and presentations, or interviewing for telesummits for example, you know what it is that you specialize in, which leads us on to the next…

4. Become an instant expert

The fourth thing is that by having a system, you become instant expert. Because you are known for going over this over and over again, this is always what you talk about, so people get to know you and the fact that you have the 7 steps to instant weight loss or easy weight loss or whatever it may be.

When do you not need a signature system?

And so when do you not need a signature system? And this is really for you when you want your services to be 100% bespoke, but you might still want to know, like I mentioned earlier on, the steps that you take your clients through, so it may be that your steps, you just keep for yourself. It’s not something that you market or advertise as having a system for, you just keep it for your own confidence as you’re building up, until you get to that stage where it really can be 100% bespoke for your clients, so that you don’t need a reminder of, “okay…what do I work on next?”

So basically, having a signature system could really help you to gain clarity that you need in your business, and help to establish you as an expert. But this doesn’t mean that you need it. But either way, it doesn’t mean there’s a right or there’s a wrong. For some people it makes life much easier, for others it doesn’t.

So basically this video is just for you to start thinking about it and if anything that I’ve said resonates with you, and you think, “Oh, actually, yeah that might make life easier for me!” then just try it out. If you like it, great, and if you don’t, then you don’t have to use it at all.

In the comments below, let us know if you have a signature system or certain steps that you take your clients through, that you perhaps didn’t have a system around at the beginning and then when you did, how it made your life easier.

This is Caroline from CarolineCain.com. Remember to sign up in the box below to receive more tips on how to grow your business. 

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