Why trading dollars for hours might be your quickest route to earning more (video)

Build an Online Business – try trading dollars for hours

Depending on how long you’ve been around in the online coaching world, you would have heard not to trade dollars for hours. And what this does is it leads people to shy away from the one-on-one, really deep client work. In this video I’m going to talk about why trading dollars for hours might not actually be such a bad thing after all, and it might actually be the quickest route to six figures.

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One on one high-end coaching programs

The one-on-one model really is a way for you to connect on a really deep, transformational level with your clients. You have to remember, of course, that most of the people who have successful digital e-courses, or other online products, started off with a one-on-one model. And their success really lies on the contacts that they built along the way, and the connections that they made. Because you really do need to leverage your skill, what it is that you provide for your clients, and get really good at that before you move on to the next level.

Looking at the one-on-one model, it really allows you to develop a very deep, transformational relationship with your ideal clients, and this can be really powerful, satisfying work. Of course it’s also a personality thing— some people would rather not have that one-on-one contact, some people do. But, saying that, it’s still the easiest way to build your business through one-on-one higher-level client work. And really what that’s about is there’s no magic bullet, you really need to put the work in first so that then you can leverage, then you can move to the next level.

 What trading dollars for hours really means – and what it’s not

Now there’s a very big difference here between trading dollars for hours, as it’s often called, in one-off sessions or even in a package of 3— because then you need to find more clients all the time to fill your financial goals or your quota. Whereas when you’re working one-on-one at a higher level, so with longer term packages, start looking at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, maybe even over a year, if that’s what you want, at a higher price level, then you really need fewer clients.

So really what I’m saying in this video is to not shy away from that one-on-one model. You don’t have to go into group programs just because everybody’s telling you you need to leverage and go into groups until you have to. There comes a time where, unless you keep raising your one-on-one rates, which you absolutely can, you will need to have a group program.

So some people choose to always only ever do the one-on-one, but most people at one point in their business will need to go into the group programs so you can really leverage your time and serve a larger amount of people at that level. So you need to build that solid foundation, work, but keep moving forwards. Don’t be in a rush to move forwards, cover your bases first so that you really consolidate your expertise and your position in the market.

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Caroline Cain

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