How To Have Total Confidence In What You Offer

list your values

When you doubt the value you offer

Do you ever have moments like this…you’re on Facebook and you see a fabulous offer really similar to what you do. The wording is action-taking perfect and the person is charging what you want to charge but have’t quite plucked up the courage to do yet.

Then your heart drops and your head kicks into overdrive…

…you’re so passionate about what you offer, you know it makes a difference and that it can have a huge impact, but for some reason you start doubting. You doubt the value you offer, the extent of the transformation that you can help your clients achieve, you start to question if you’re over-promising or if your programs and packages are even worth that much (this can especially be a big hairy one when you come to raising your prices).

You need to build your confidence up quickly so that you don’t get sucked deeper into that rabbit hole of not-good-enough-itis.

Worry not. It happens to the best of the best and I’ve got you covered with this simple list exercise.

Here’s one way to immediately have total confidence in your programs and the value you offer:

Write a list of 20 tangible results/transformations that working with you will create for your clients. Talk to your client directly when you write these. So an example could be:

I help you gain clarity around how you want to discipline your children which means that you are able to make better decisions in the heat of the moment.
I help you to recognise your stress triggers which means that you feel in control when strong emotions come up.
I help you write better copy which means that you are confident about being visible online.
I help you to live your life in a way that is 100% aligned with your greatest character qualities which means that you are able to be your best self with minimal effort and second guessing.

The which means that is a fantastic hook to help you anchor in what the transformation actually is. Now write 20 of these (yes, it is quite difficult).

So if you have any doubts whatsoever take the time to do this and you’ll quickly see the real, tangible value in what offer and be able to get out there and shake that funky stuff that will change lives!

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Caroline Cain

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