Want a simple rule to help you grow your coaching business? (video)

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What if I were to give you a really simple rule for growing your coaching business?

Would that help to cut through the noise of all the ideas you have— for business growth, for visibility, for getting more clients and excellent value services for your clients? I thought it would!

And listen up because it’s really very simple. The rule is: pick one thing and get really good at that.

It really is that simple! So, for example, the model that I use and that I teach my clients is that you start off with high-ticket one-on-one programs, and really consolidate your position in the market and your expertise with those. And then you can move on to, perhaps, developing a group program. And then once you’ve consolidated that, and you know how to market it, and you know that it’s doing well, then the next step can be, for example, to put and e-course together and to market that.
And your next (marketing) thing could be an e-book, or a telesummit, or something like that.

You want multiple streams of income in your business…

but you don’t want to implement them all at once. Because then what happens? You get completely frazzled and overwhelmed, and it takes away one of our core values, which is the reason that you’re here, watching this video, is freedom.

Freedom of time.

Having this step-by-step approach that you can schedule in advance, you know, you can say, “Okay, I’ll consolidate the one-on-one now, then in January I’ll have a group program, then in March I’ll have an e-course, then in June, for example, I’ll write an e-book.” That kind of thing. So you really plan it ahead of time. It doesn’t even need to be in that short period of time, because a launch takes a couple of months to get all the bits and pieces together. So you can plan it over the year or even over two years; at least the ideas.

For example, I’ve got my biggest launch ever in my business happening right now. Here we are, in the beautiful jungle of Sri Lanka; you can hear the raging river in the background here, and I have my team looking after setting up the launch for me. So I have my online business manager in the UK, I have my copy writer in Australia, and they’re basically plugging everything in, making sure the emails go out, and everything like that. And by keeping this really simple model, it allows you to still enjoy your life because a launch is full on. And when you’re constantly creating a new program or a new service and putting it out there, it’s a lot of work, even if you have a team in place looking after it.

So just to recap: choose one thing and one thing alone, get really good at that, and then move on to the next offering.

In the comments here below, tell us what you’re working on now to really consolidate, and then the next two things that you’re going to work on and when. Perhaps throughout the next year, for example.

I’m Caroline from www.carolinecain.com, and that’s it for this week’s video!

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Caroline Cain

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