Should your prices be on your website? (video)

Should you put your prices on your website or not? This is Caroline from and today we’re going to talk about this topic, which is actually one of the most common questions that my clients ask me.

What it really comes down to is that there are no hard and fast rules. This is the kind of question you can really get stuck on for a long time thinking there must be a right or a wrong answer to it, and there really isn’t.

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What you might find as a general rule is that the lower priced packages and programs tend to have the price on there; definitely if its click of a button to buy it, but even if it’s the lower priced one-on-one work. And generally what you’ll find is that the more premium packages or programs don’t have the price on there. And again, you will find examples in both camps, and personally I sometimes have my prices on there and sometimes I don’t, it really depends where I’m at in my business and what my goals are.

The things to consider, there are 4 main things to consider with this point:

1. The first is that when people see the prices on your website, what happens is that you’re automatically filtering out those who would not be interested in investing at that level in the first place.

2. The second, the flip side to that is that your potential ideal client could be comparing your program to someone else’s on price alone, rather than if the actual fit is the best fit for them. And this is really important when you’re considering higher level in terms of higher payment, really deep transformative work, where it really brings about a change in their lifestyle or in their business or whatever your area of work is, that you really don’t want people to get stuck on comparing by price alone, you want to make sure that they really get to know you and choose you for being the perfect fit for them.

So basically what do you do?

3. Does that mean that you don’t put your prices on there if you’re working with premium programs? Well, not really. What it basically means is just try it out. If you’re not getting enough discovery calls and your prices are on there and you feel that it might be your prices that are deterring people, then take your price off for awhile.

4. If you find that you’re getting loads of applications from clients who are just really not ideal, try putting your prices on and see if that makes a difference and reduces the amount of time that you waste filtering through any clients who are not ideal. So basically how to feel around what feels best for you, and what you prefer.

Let us know in the comments below what you choose to do. Do you have the prices on your website or not? And why do you choose one over the other?

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Caroline Cain

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