How to end your chase for the perfect business model once and for all

bright shiny temptationsWhen I first started out in business I was just happy to be making money. I had no idea what was possible. Then I started hanging out more online, seeing what others were achieving and a whole world of opportunity opened up…and along with it a bucket-full of mixed up thoughts about what the perfect business model was, predominantly based on what others touted as the way to work and what I thought the perfect model was.

What I found out over time was obvious really, my present perception of perfect or ideal, in reality, turned out to be something quite different. And it continues to evolve. It’s like a consistent ping pong of what makes sense financially and what is most fulfilling on a personal level (and you guessed it, money doesn’t always come up trumps here).

Maybe you can relate to this?

Happiness on your business journey does not reside in the quest for the perfect business model to cure all your life’s woes.

Looking in from the outside – “She has it sorted. I just need to create something like what she has”…leads to a washing machine of thoughts that just end up getting you into a tizzy…is it the 4 hour work week; is it 100% passive income; is it high level 1:1 programs; is it creating a program that can then be sold as it’s not tied to me, per se, so that I can retire on the proceeds; is it having a business that I can outsource in its entirety so that I can sit under a palm tree on a tropical beach; is it charging 5 or even 6 figures for coaching programs working with just a handful of clients each year…?

The thing is, nothing is inherently good or bad so therefore there is no perfect. And if there was you can be sure we’d all have the same opinion.

Really stop to think about it. For example:

Passive income. What if you really like the 1:1 contact? That feeling of forming deep connections with those whose lives you’re helping to transform, would having a business based solely on passive income satisfy that inner yearning?

4 hour work week. Would you truly be able to switch off? Would you actually live that way or would you want more because you have time to do more?

1:1. Do you truly love to have a high-touch approach or does the feeling of responsibility and time commitment feel too heavy at times? Do you want to coach or mentor?

Group programs. How does that group energy feel? Is it natural and uplifting? Is it draining to maintain?

It’s not either/or and it’s not black and white either.

The point I want to make here is to gain greater self awareness by observing your train of thought when/if you get caught up in the chase for something else, something you see someone else having or something that is considered to be the pot of gold (aiming for the million might not in actual fact bring you greater happiness whatever you may think about this today. I’m personally no happier earning more money now than I was a few years ago. I can buy different stuff but my level of happiness has not increased).

So how to end your chase for the perfect business model?

I’m glad you asked.

What you need to do is look at the perceived quality that you project onto something and ask yourself, “how can I live this today?”.

If it’s more beach time you want…where can you move that will allow that? Or you may simply want more beach holidays. What is it about the beach time that you want? What is the feeling, the experience it brings you? That’s what you want more of.

Is it more family time you want…but actually as a mum you enjoy and need that time away from your kids (gasp). Maybe it’s actually the guilt you want to let go of because you like things the way they are.

If it’s more money to buy luxury items…why do you want those, what do they bring you – 10, 40 minutes of surface level happiness? It’s more than that. Delve deeper. It’s a feeling, what is it – recognition, reward, achievement?

Re-assess your chase for the perfect solution. Explore what the quality, the value is that you’re truly after.

This will bring you happiness.


What’s one thing you want to create in your lifestyle business and why exactly?

Caroline Cain

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