Are you the only one not getting ‘downloads’?

Are you the only one not getting downloadsThis topic has come up more than a few times with clients, colleagues and in Facebook groups I’m in, so I thought I’d address it.

You get ideas, right?

And it most likely feels, to you, that your ideas come from within, from you.

And when you hear others talk about downloads they’ve received with the most amazing outline for a new program, I’m guessing that you think that that’s something that comes from outside, something that just hits you out of nowhere as some sort of divine guidance.

Well, you’d be right, about the downloads.

Because guess what? Your ideas are also downloads.

You cannot identify mind. Can you pinpoint exactly where your ideas come from? No. That’s because they come out of space, literally. Everything is vibration.

This means that the more receptive you are, the more open you are to receiving signs and messages from the Universe, the more frequent or obvious these downloads are.

So when you’re in a period where you’re waiting for clarity and get a sudden flash of it in a really clear way – the light bulb moment, that great idea, this is what is you receiving a ‘download’. Or, a bloody good idea!

If ideas aren’t coming through clearly enough it means you need to work on your connection, your awareness – to yourself, to the space around you.

This takes both outer and inner work – outer on the physical level to clear your environment, clean up the food you eat and the products you use (to reduce your toxic load) as these have a massive effect on how you feel and show up. And the inner work to clear up your thoughts, get super clear on what it is you want to create, tune into your inner voice, your intuition and what you are being called to take action on.

Know you want support with this so that you can create the business and life you dream of? Email me here to set up a business creation call!

Caroline Cain

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