How To Get Noticed On Pinterest: 5 Top Tips + Client Success Story

I’m Issy – and I’m an interior design coach who’s passion in life is helping everyone to create their dream home, no matter what their budget and interior design experience.

When I met Caroline I was finding it tough to keep focused and move forward with transferring my interior design business from a traditional off-line model to on-line interior design coaching practice to allow me to lead a location independent lifestyle.

I had done numerous courses about creating on-line businesses, blogging, selling, using social media etc and was drowning in a sea of overwhelm with a million different things I thought I ought to be doing.  At the same time I was facing some serious blocks around what I should be charging and how I should be structuring my offerings.

Caroline’s no nonsense, practical, straight to the point advice and approach helped me cut through all that – to streamline and simplify my business and tasks to those that really mattered and that would have the most impact on my bottom-line – getting my first program launched (which I recently accomplished!) and bringing in income.

Moreover, with Caroline’s help my money mindset has started to shift and my self-confidence in my business strategy has grown considerably in the 2 months or so that we have been working together so far!   Caroline has helped me see the value in my work and charge accordingly rather than feeling like I needed to sell myself cheap.

Every time I have a confidence crisis Caroline knows exactly the right questions to ask to get to the heart of the issue and to unpick it for me.  I literally come off the calls buzzing with ideas and enthusiasm.  Even my hubbie (who is a total cynic when it comes to coaching) has told me repeatedly that he can see what an effect Caroline is having and that her input is worth every penny!

One of the most refreshing things about working with Caroline is that there is no set template that she has her clients adhere to.  She really believes in developing your own unique personal brand, in my case that has meant that a key part of my strategy has actually been borne out of something I started doing purely for pleasure, and I am only now starting to integrate into it my business –  namely my addiction to Pinterest.

How To Get Noticed On Pinterest

I totally geek out on collecting inspiring interiors on Pinterest and have managed to gather quite a following – 57,000 at the last count, but growing at a rate of several thousand per week! And I’ve been picked as a “Home Decor Pinner to Follow” and am being show-cased to new Pinterest joiners. Quite an achievement but had never done anything with it to help promote my business before working with Caroline.

So with that in mind, at Caroline’s request, I’d like to share my Top 5 Pinterest Tips for you:

  1. Pin what you love NOT what you think others will love – some people seem to chase the repins, pinning for the sake of pinning and generally only things with a high number of repins already.  If you do that you’re behind the curve and most people who are likely to repin are likely to have repinned already from the people upstream.
  2. Quality over quantity – you can always tell the people who think it’s all about the volume of pins.  They flood your feed with pins many of which are ugly, lame, repetitive – you can tell they are not even really paying attention to what they are pinning –  those people get unfollowed pretty quick!
  3. Celebrate your inner nerd – got an secret oddball fascination?  Time to let the cat out of the bag!  When you are competing against a sea of content, which you are these days, then specialist boards work best – the more you let your personal twist on things shine through the more your board will stand out and be likely to get follows.
  4. Add pin descriptions –  yes I know it’s a pain and so many other people pin without descriptions – but in fact that’s your secret weapon…if you add a description then people who search for pins are more likely to find your version and repin from you, even if you weren’t the first to pin it!  (The same goes for board descriptions so they’re worth adding too)
  5. Keep your boards well organised – I regularly review which boards are  popular and rearrange the order so that the ones I want to showcase are at the top –  this helps to encourage more people to follow you as a whole rather than just the odd board.   (To monitor which boards are doing well, you will need to access to Pinterest Analytics, which means converting to a business account –  but this free and well worth doing, so that you can have a verified link to your website on your profile too)

Happy pinning!

So if you’re already on Pinterest or this has motivated you to sign up, come and join me right here.

And if you’re into interior design, check out my e-course Design Your Dream Home – from drab to fab in 4 weeks.


IssyZinaburgInterior design coach Issy Zinaburg is bringing a new approach to interior design – helping people to discover their innate interiors style in order to create a home as unique as they are.

A mum-to-be, wife, self-confessed design geek and travel obsessive, she is doing her best to create an interior design revolution one room at a time.  She has personally lived through numerous interior design projects, and worked with clients on interior design projects with budgets ranging from hundreds to 6-figures – that’s how she realized that what she enjoys most is working with clients to gain design confidence and discover their own innate style, rather than working with those who want her to dictate to them exactly how their interior should look.

Her own personal interior style is playful, quirky, full of colour and inspired by the many adventures she loves to go on with her wonderful husband of 5 years…and her Dream Design Destination is Rio de Janeiro.  In fact she was lucky enough to spend 4 months living there in 2013 and hopes to go back again someday soon!

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