Why daily dry skin brushing is good for you

You brush your teeth at least twice a day. You brush your hair at least once a day. So how about adding body brushing to your daily routine…

Dry skin brush


Because dry skin body brushing is the easiest, cheapest way to help detox and keep your body in peak condition. Our skin is our largest eliminating organ, responsible for about ¼ of our body’s detoxification each day!

Our skin receives about 1/3 of the blood circulated through our body and yet the skin is the last thing to receive nutrients, but the first to show signs of imbalances (dry skin, eczema, psoriasis etc – an extra reason to choose natural, skin-friendly products).

Benefits of dry skin brushing

  • helps to detox all the organs, glands, systems of elimination (skin, gut, kidney, liver, lungs, lymphatic system, mucous membranes) as it provides an ‘internal’ massage
  • improves circulation throughout the body
  • opens pores to make it easier for the body to get rid of waste by unblocking pores
  • helps with lymphatic drainage clearing toxins from the lymph glands, the keys players in our immune response. The blood has the heart to pump it around, the lymph doesn’t, so skin brushing is your way of helping the lymphatic system to dump toxins through the skin
  • strengthens the immune system
  • exfoliates and promotes skin renewal (= super soft skin)
  • improves skin tone (keeps wrinkles at bay and firms you up)
  • helps clear up skin irritations such as eczema
  • it gives our liver and kidneys a break – if the skin is inactive, with blocked pores, impurities trapped in the body are unable to work their way out and will place extra strain on these two organs
  • stimulates the nerve endings in our skin
  • it is invigorating and really wakes you up for a fresh, new day!


5 -10 minutes daily, immediately before your morning shower.

When not?

This is a question that you might not see that often with regards to dry skin brushing but it is a very important one. It is not recommended to dry skin brush when constipated as brushing helps to move lymph and toxins around the body to the bowel where, if constipated, it has no way out.

This means that it will sit there with many of the toxins being reabsorbed placing more stress on the body.


Warm shower to rinse off those dead skin cells and finish with a blast of cold water to boost your circulation a little more. And voila! A wonderful natural technique which is great for your body, your invigorated mind and your glowing skin!

All you need is a natural bristle brush (which you can buy from any chemist/body shop etc). One with a long handle is best so that you can reach your back. It is important to always brush towards your heart (so you don’t put extra strain on the valves within the veins and vessels). Brushing in this direction also helps circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Use a vigorous, circular, clockwise motion.

Start with the soles of your feet and gradually brush your way up the body – front/back/side of one leg, then the other, all the way up to your head (not forgetting the palms of your hands along the way and to work in circular movements down towards the heart when you are almost at shoulder level). And don’t brush too vigorously on more delicate parts ladies!

You will need a softer brush for the face (if you have one – brush upwards and outwards – not towards the heart this time or you’ll get droopy cheeks!).

Do you dry skin brush as part of your daily routine? What other practices do you have to help boost your lymphatic system and daily detoxification?

This post is part of Real Food Whole Health’s ‘Fresh Bites Friday’

Ana Merino

12 years ago

I will buy one today, yeah!
thank you dear,
big hug


12 years ago

sounds like i could get used to skin brushing. gonna buy a brush soon!!! thanks caroline


12 years ago

It’s addictive…in a good way!

Caroline Cain

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