Who Do You Need To BE?

George Bernard Shaw quote

“You gotta be before you can do, and you’ve gotta do before you can have”

Zig Ziglar

When you start your own business you get busy creating, action-stepping, diligently learning about marketing, sales, offerings, becoming visible, doing what it takes so that grow a successful business that will allow you to have lots of time off with your children and fulfill your personal desires (time for daily yoga, meditation, traveling, spending time with friends…).

And yet in reality most of this takes place in your ‘lollipop head’ – all up there in your head, achieving and thinking and planning. But what so many women entrepreneurs are realising is that with a more feminine entrepreneurial model*, to create the success you desire in your life and business you need to be that person first, you need to literally feel Her in your bones. Because if you wait until you get ‘there’ (insert whatever outer success you’re after), to feel how you want to feel in your life, you’re basically just passing time.

How you live one day is how you live your life.

Take a moment to imagine how you will feel once you have all of this (future, wishing, projection, anticipation).

Your most important mission in this life is to be this person, today (present, here, now, what you know to be ‘true’).

• Who do you need to be to make this your reality? (e.g organized, disciplined when it comes to personal and professional boundaries, courageous, confident, grounded, radiant, energetic, strong, compassionate, true to yourself about what you want in your life)
• What do you need to do to make this happen (take a course, hire a coach/mentor, get serious about your health, rest, book a flight)

Stepping into the shoes of who you want to be before you even take action puts you in that energetic space where you feel expanded, you feel the excitement and you naturally gravitate towards your goals. You see opportunities come up around you, your joy increases as you feel yourself in the life that you want to create. This propels you forward to do what it takes, one step at a time and, hey presto! You did it!

Have you watched my vlog Don’t Get Held Back By The ‘How’  and download my Problem Solver – Procrastination Buster worksheet at the bottom of it yet? If not, you can access both right here to start moving out of intention and into action.

We’d love to know, what 3 things can you start doing today in your life or business to BE the woman you want to be?

* This doesn’t mean you need to work in high heels. What it means is that business feels different. The pushing is gone. In its place is YOU. Your values, your passions, your well-being, your lifestyle, everything that makes you YOU – and allows you to be fully present in all that you do, whatever shoes you happen to be wearing.

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Caroline Cain

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