What are money blocks, are they real, are they made up?

What are money blocksI think it might make things feel more familiar to you if I told you that another name of money blocks is limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that once served to protect you but are no longer applicable to your journey now, which is why they are felt as limiting. We all have those, in all parts of life. They come from your background – your parents, wider family circle, cultural norms, educational environment and who you hang out with.

And of course, if a belief says you can’t, then you can’t.

For example: building a business is hard; making money is hard; making money isn’t spiritual; this is easy for other people but not for me; I’m no good at this; I should be able to do this alone; I need to work all hours to create any success…

But you can change this: change your belief, change your outcome.

So when you look at them like this, then, yes, they totally are what hold you back and yet there’s a simple way around them (simple, definitely not always easy).

‘All’ you need to do is get clear on what the belief is, what the story is behind it (where does it originate from, who, where, when, why, how), this helps you identify the precise block (you might start off thinking it’s one thing then realizing it’s actually another) and then you work on shifting it. That’s right, shifting it, not deleting it. You can’t get rid of it, it’s part of who you are.

When you modify it you create space for a new belief system, rooted in the knowledge of what you learned from the original block.

So what’s the big deal about money blocks and how exactly do they help propel you forwards?

A thought creates a mood and a mood creates a vibration that you give out into the world. This is what is perceived by, well, first of all, yourself, so you live up to it, and also the outside world. If you have a narrow or somewhat thwarted belief around something then it’s hard for potential clients to believe in you and trust you. You want them to feel enthused by your energy and the vibration you’re giving off around what it is that you offer.

Your mind thinks it wants a certain outcome yet your deeper belief around it, and so the vibration you give off, is saying something different. When there’s this energetic mis-match, potential clients aren’t going to commit to working with you as something feels off. You know what it’s like when you’ve had mixed feelings about buying something, the confidence is lacking. Well, that’s how your potential clients feel.
And guess what type of clients you will attract? That’s right, those who are also mis-aligned, perhaps non-committed, unmotivated, they turn up late or miss sessions, they’re not independent workers, not willing to do the work etc.

Can you see how these blocks really do hold you back?

Caroline Cain

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