Are you building your freedom based business the RIGHT way?

Are you building your freedom based business the right wayI’d like to tell you a story…

Two monks who came out of a lecture by their master went on a hot debate regarding what they heard during the lecture. Each of them insisted that his understanding was the correct one. To settle the dispute, they went to see the master for a judgment.

After hearing the argument put forth by the first monk, the master said, “You are correct!” The monk was overjoyed. Casting a winner’s glance at his friend, he left the room.

The second monk was upset and started to pour out what he thought to the master. After he finished, the master looked at him and said, “You are correct, too.” Hearing this, the second monk brightened up and went away.

A third monk who was also in the room was greatly puzzled by what he saw. He said to the master, “I am confused, master! Their positions regarding the issue are completely opposite. They can’t be both right! How could you say that they are both correct?”

The master smiled as he looked into the eyes of this third monk, “You are also correct!”
(You Are Also Correct – a Buddhist story)


The way you’ve chosen to create your own income, on your terms, there is no absolute blueprint for.

Sure, there are opinions, there are coaches, mentors, guides along the way to teach you what they have learnt and what’s worked for them, compasses if you like. But essentially it’s up to you to choose your own journey.

The paradox of life also applies to business. There is no right or wrong. There are things that work because they’ve been tried and tested, but not all for all. You still need to choose what feels good for you and what works for you.

And just because can do something does not mean you should. There’s that thing called integrity.

Now, you may feel this is a hugely unsatisfying post because you want answers. I get it, I do too, we all do. But ultimately, pondering the answer to YOUR how and what leads to greater self realisation through inquiry and therefore holds the greatest value.

So, I’m going to leave you with the story above and the few words that I’ve shared below as an invitation for you to ponder what this story means for you.

I’d love to hear in the comments below what comes up for you around your business journey from reading this story.

Do you need to be acknowledged? Do you need to be told that you are right and seen? Do you give yourself permission?

Caroline Cain

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